This is a follow-up to No dogs? Then leash your child, please.
In order to change the designation of a park, with regard to allowing dogs within or not, at least 25 householders within a certain distance of the municipal recreation facilities must present a petition to the City of Ottawa councillor for that area and the By-laws and Regulations Services staff.
The information received is confidential and staff will not release the names nor the addresses of the individuals who signed the petition.
A notice was posted at Sandy Hill park with regard to the request to a change of designation, to ban dogs.
This change was not initiated by City employees. Whatever your personal feelings are regarding the petition presented, whether you support it or oppose it, please do not direct anger towards the staff who are ensuring that the process is handled in accordance with regulations.
Emails and faxes are effective ways of indicating your view and reasons; be succinct, coherent and respectful please. Again, there's no purpose served by being abusive.
Here again is the information; if you put dogs/Sandy Hill park in the subject line, that is helpful and efficient.
Christine Hartig, By-laws and Regulations Services, City of Ottawa, K2G 5K7. Please email or fax your comments to her before September 3, 2010: christine.hartig@ottawa.ca, fax 613.580.2179
More information about City of Ottawa regulations regarding animals.
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