- A grandmother is run over and killed by a recklessly-driving cop. Cleared by the SIU, no charges, but he's fined $500 under the Police Act. Another cop runs over two teenagers in a park. He, too, is exonerated by the SIU.
- Two cops shoot a camper preparing his supper. Synchronized notes + SIU incompetence = no charges.
- SIU clears a police officer of wrong-doing after he breaks a handcuffed suspect's jaw in two places. A judge expresses shock and throws out the case against the suspect.
- A slightly-built chartered accountant is pulled over for an expired licence sticker--and a cop breaks his arm. The officer leaves his victim by the road, saying he was lucky he didn't get worse. The SIU clears the officers involved.
- An officer shoots dead a man approaching her armed with a plastic lawnchair. She gets a pass from the SIU.
UPDATE: And the societal sickness of police impunity is not, by any means, confined to Ontario. Not by a long shot.
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