Charles McVety will be hosting Karl Rove at his own wee G20 Summit in Toronto on Friday. As McVety describes Rove on his G20.ca website, having purchased the URL for himself some two years ago :
Master architect of 75 presidential, senatorial, and gubernatorial campaigns with an almost perfect winning record
but just in case you've never heard of 'Bush's brain', McVety adds that he is "seen daily on television."
Nice line-up of sponsors there : B'Nai Brith Canada, Canada Family Action Coalition, Conservative Values of Canada, Institute For Canadian Values.
But all is not well in Valuesworld. Charles is pissed with Harper, who he refers to as "Chairman", for supporting "one-world government" and embracing that well known commie John Maynard Keynes. As McVety explains in his essay on the site:
Keynes was well known for agreeing with Vladimir Lennon on how to bring down free market based societies
presumably in conjunction with other dastardly communist world leader/songwriters.
And, in case you'd forgotten, Charles also tells us that "CO2 is a natural necessary part of air", Hitler was a "Socialist" and "Iran is building nuclear weapons and threatening to "wipe Israel off the map". B'Nai Brith's Frank Dimant will be addressing that one on Sunday.
"Mr. Rove's common-sense approach is a voice that leaders should take heed" says Charles.
Steve must be so proud.
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