I regret having to do this, but the time has come.
Henceforward, two simple rules:
- Language in the combox. I have no difficulty, as regulars know, with spirited, even heated, debate on all sides of a question. This place is not an echo-chamber. But I would appreciate it if you all could refrain from cussin'. From now on this will be strictly enforced.
- Trolls. Trolls were never welcome here, but I developed a certain tolerance for them. That tolerance is now exhausted. The tipping-point has been reached. Trolls--and everyone knows what a troll is--will simply be banned. They have been keeping some of the more interesting commentators away, and they've been insulting me (and recently my co-blogger) in my own house. That will not continue. If they want to be rude and self-indulgent, they can go to Usenet and fill their boots.
At this point I'm not going to post these rules on the site. They should be common sense for any reasonably civilized human being. So for now, Verb. sap. and all that. Help me out here, folks. This is a family blog, for general release, and I mean to keep it that way.
Yours in civility,
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