The Maple Syrup Revolution appears to have triumphed!

Save your comments, Freudians--sometimes a bottle of champagne is just a bottle of champagne. :)
[H/t Peterborough Politics.]
Indeed. Vive la liberté d'expression! And let Adam Smith's invisible hand of the free market deliver some well-deserved jabs to those deserving pricks.The doll's light-blue body, which comes with a set of 12 needles and a manual explaining how to put a curse on the president, also features some of Sarkozy's best-known quotes and gaffes: "Work more to earn more" reads one quote, a slogan from Sarkozy's presidential campaign. "Get lost, you poor jerk," reads another, a swipe Sarkozy took at a bystander at a farm fair who refused to shake his hand.
In keeping with the often meticulous nature of French officialdom, the ruling Friday was very specific. The distributor of the dolls, K&B Editions, was ordered to write the notice that will be distributed with the doll in black block-lettering and it must say exactly this: "It was ruled that the encouragement of the reader to poke the doll that comes with the needles in the kit, an activity whose subtext is physical harm, even if it is symbolic, constitutes an attack on the dignity of the person of Mr. Sarkozy."
CUSA president Brittany Smyth said the idea of changing next year’s orientation fundraiser to focus on a different charity, perhaps a local cause, first came up about a year ago.
She said that the part of the motion that refers to why Shinerama has been cancelled is irrelevant, not part of the official meeting record and simply reflects the rationale of the councillor who raised the motion.
But conservatives, who prize the right to make individual choices when those choices are conservative ones, see in this non-issue a perfect opportunity to advance their own contempt for freedom and inclusiveness. While there is, admittedly, some thoughtful commentary at Daimnation on this occasion, there is also the usual trollish spittle. For example, this comment is too typical of conservatives who are asked to think and reflect (note the inevitable allusion to physical violence, always the last refuge of a conservative who is losing an argument):The most gob-smacking of these arguments is the notion that bringing Mr. Khadr home would make Canada look soft on terrorism. Look soft to whom exactly? The unwritten subtext is the United States. Somehow many other countries who argued for and secured the release of their citizens from Guantanamo have not suffered this label, Britain and Australia foremost among them.
The Conservative policy has hit a realpolitik wall. The United States has a new president-elect, Barack Obama, who has committed his government, repeatedly, to the closing down of Guantanamo Bay. Even if this promise is delayed in its execution, the trial of Omar Khadr will never lead anywhere; its wheels will come off, just as so many others are doing at Guantanamo Bay.
Check out the whole article.