Mr. Allison, President:
Members of the Committee:
I am writing to you to request to appear before the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development with respect to the Rights & Democracy's hearing. I am presenting this request as the wife of Remy M. Beauregard, President of the organization until his sudden death which happened last January 8th.
The three dismissed managers, Marie-France Cloutier, Razmik Panossian and Charles Vallerand, as well as former board director Payam Akhavan, who resigned on last January 7th, have also requested to appear before the Committee, and I would like to be able to do so at the same time.
Considering the events I witnessed during the months preceding and following my husband's death, I think it is important that I can be heard, particularly to clear my husband's name in order to remove from the Privy Council Office all the documents regarding his evaluation that are still in his file.
The allegations and comments, particularly those on his evaluation, have contributed to strongly affect his health. Since March 2009, my husband was constantly exposed to a lot of pressure from certain board directors, who seemed to have doubt in his management ability, and who interfered within his functions as President and chief executive officer of the organization, which exceeds their role as board directors.
This hearing will finally give me the opportunity to express myself, in spite of my sorrow and grief, on a situation that has been lasting for months, and which has profoundly damaged the perception on the Canadian actions with respect to human rights and democracy, at the national and international levels.
I thank you in advance for your attention to my request, and I remain,
Yours sincerely,
Suzanne R. Trepanier
The Cons' response was to filibuster. What are they afraid of?
Meanwhile, embattled Rights and Democracy Board chair Aurel Braun has condescended to spend an hour with the Committee next Tuesday. Board member Jacques Gauthier, who served as interim President after Beauregard's death, has not yet confirmed. And on March 30, the frankly Islamophobic new President, Gérard Latulippe, will grace the Committee with his presence. I hope Committee members ask about his opposition to gay rights, as well, but don't expect those members to be Conservatives.
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