Readers who have been following the case of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, the Iranian woman convicted of adultery, will be pleased to learn that the original sentence of death by stoning will not be carried out.
She is to be hanged instead, as early as this Wednesday.
Ashtiani has already been given 99 strokes of the lash because a picture purported to be of her appeared in the Western media: the person photographed was not wearing the obligatory head covering.
No doubt to ensure judicial fairness, Iranian authorities have arrested and detained her son, her lawyer and two German journalists.
Why not send a polite note to the Iranian Ambassador, Mr. Mohammad Lavasani? The gentleman may also be reached by fax (615.232.5712) and telephone (613.235.4726).
UPDATE: Avaaz, via reader Holly Stick, suggests another avenue to explore. There may not be much time, so fill in the form and send the message pronto.
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