To sum up a confusing few days in London, Ontario:
- Celebrated amateur demographer [demagogue, shurely? Ed.] Mark Steyn was invited to speak at the London Convention Centre by the conservative group Strictly Right. He was dis-invited by the managers of the place, who cited "security concerns." This undoubtedly delighted the aforesaid Strictly Right, who had now gained some unexpected free publicity.
- The Usual Suspects, not excluding Steyn himself, went into a predictable tizzy, said tizzy being fed by unsubstantiated rumours that Islamist Hordes™ had lobbied for the man's exclusion from the LCC. The quick-witted Big City Lib soon put the lie to those claims.
- The speaking engagement was moved to a different venue, the Centennial Centre--also run, as it happens, by the City of London.
- Muslims and their leftist handmaidens somehow failed to materialize.
- 900 pre-approved people, mostly geezers, attended. But a neo-Nazi was denied entry. The organizers cited "security concerns." Steyn proceeded to speak and sing about Islam and free expression.
- It is not known at this time if he tap-danced as well. But on the free speech issue, his fans could give him lessons.
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