Fact: The Canada Pavillion at Expo 2010 in Shanghai is among the 10 most popular attractions there.
Fact: The Conservative Party of Canada is financed by right-wing Christian philanthropists and a web of religious institutions and their believers. Cirque du soleil created the concept design for the pavillion and will also create public performances, organize cultural programs and develop strategic corporate alliances for the pavillion. The 6,000-square-meter pavilion, among the biggest at the site, will feature an exhibition themed 'The Living City: inclusive, sustainable, creative.'
When Harper came to office, he adopted an electoral script crafted by his ideological soulmates in the Republican Party, nurturing a religious-right constituency that had never before enjoyed such attention or access to government. But unlike George W. Bush’s evangelical base, Harper’s theo-conservative constituency is not large enough to guarantee him a clear majority. He cannot win without it, but he cannot win with theo-cons alone.
It will take a formidable individual to oppose the drive and the zeal of the CPC supporters. Someone who is a natural leader and an inspiration for team-members, who has already amassed a personal fortune because of sharp business acumen and most of all who can dismiss and deflect personal attacks is required to stand up to Harper.
Stephen Harper declared from the outset of his reign as leader of the Alliance/Reform Party, (which merged with the Progressive Conservatives in order to change its name, though not its tripe) war upon anything and anyone who stood in his road. There are multitudes of quotes - historical and recent - from him that betray his deep contempt for Canadian decency as well as his raw ambition to steer the country to the right.
Marci MacDonald's book - The Armageddon Factor: The Rise of Christian Nationalism in Canada - charts the political tactics of the religious right and its enracinement in the Alliance/Reform party from its inception.
In my humble opinion, it would take Guy Laliberté (or someone like him) to outsmart, to blow raspberries and to laugh outright in the face of Harper and his claque of bullies for their fire-and-brimstone God-the-Father. It would take a juggler, an acrobat and a clown to désamorcer the evil and vile, culture of deceit and authority that passes for governing, under Harper.
The CPC supporters want Armageddon? Their representatives deserve to suffer electoral Armageddon, for the harm they have done to our Canada.
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