Another meme. It's been sooooo long.
What delightful recognition from deBeauxOs, although I usually prefer friendly persuasion to attacking strange animals.
I hope I have this right. I'm supposed to link back to...no...I don't believe it...
(Excuse me for a moment. Tears are welling up.)
Now there's nothing that says that we have to choose progressive bloggers, and I propose to be, uh, fair and balanced in my choice of those who get onto my list (and who, to the best of my knowledge, haven't been named by others, because there don't seem to be prizes for additional nominations):
- The Flying Rodent, a Scottish blogger who has The Gift, and smites ass with a vengeance;
- Antonia, from whose deadly boots no ass is safe;
- Sir Francis, although I think he'd try to reason with it first;
- Terrence and Jaws, who are trying their damndest to make a silk purse from an ass's ear; and
- (wince) Small Dead Animals, although Kate doesn't kick--she shoots on sight.
- Choose 5 bloggers that you feel are “Kick Ass Bloggers.”
- Let ‘em know in your post or via email, twitter or blog comments that they’ve received an award.
- Share the love and link back to both the person who awarded you and back to MammaDawg.
- Hop on back to the Kick Ass Blogger Club HQ to sign Mr. Linky (scroll all the way down) then pass it on!
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