The seven neo-mediaevalists were: Marianne Wilkinson, Bob Monette, Rainer Bloess, Eli El-Chantiry, Doug Thompson, Rob Jellett and--you guessed it--Hizzoner Mayor Larry O’Brien. As reported:
The mayor voted against the motion at council even though he said he had met with religious leaders in the community who said they were not bothered by the ads and welcomed expressions of free speech.
Orléans Councillor Bob Monette said that Ottawa City Council should respect the church (which church?) and shouldn't condone placing "offensive ads" on public property. Somehow the misogynist Virgin Radio ad campaign in OC Transpo bus shelters seemed to have escaped his notice. Or, just maybe, the councillor didn't find the "Lock up your daughters, the gods of rock are in town" to be offensive.

"Gods of rock," eh? The losing side are not only yokels, it seems, but raging hypocrites as well.
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