...as one who will not see the obvious.
From today's Toronto Star coverage, offered without comment because any comment would be superfluous:
According to Robinson, he said to the Dziekanski, a Polish speaker: "Calm down, put your hands on the counter."
Replied Don Rosenbloom, lawyer for the Polish republic: "You know that was meaningless in terms of a man without English?"
"Yes," replied Robinson.
Robinson insisted he pointed at the counter. Under questioning from Rosenbloom, he insisted he went through an elaborate series of hand movements, beginning with a palms-up sign for "stop", then little wave motions to indicate "calm down" and, finally, the finger point to the counter.
He used the "stop" signal to halt Dziekanski from moving toward his luggage in the secure arrivals area of Vancouver International Airport. Dziekanski had just been instructed by another officer on the scene, Const. Kwesi Millington, to get his passport, which turned out to be in his luggage.
But Robinson countered that order.
Other lawyers have often said Dziekanski was confused by conflicting RCMP commands.
Once again, Robinson admitted that, contrary to earlier statements to police, Dziekanski did not appear to be agitated before he moved to the counter and picked up a stapler.
Robinson had told police: "He was in an agitated state... angry... pissed off... he was just wired up."
"Relatively," he said today, when challenged that, in reality, Dziekanski was "calm".
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