Gitmo's kangaroo court judge Colonel Patrick Parrish refused yesterday to permit the display of evidence that clears Canadian citizen Omar Khadr--photographs that show the young man buried in rubble at the time his alleged victim was killed by a grenade.
Why did the judge refuse to allow the photographs to be viewed? Lieutenant-Commander Bill Kuebler, Khadr's defence lawyer, stated the obvious:
"Because they show he's innocent."

The coroner had already decided in advance that the police had done no wrong in pumping seven bullets at point-blank range into de Menezes' head, and he instructed the jury that they were not permitted to conclude otherwise. With their verdict, the jurors still managed to reject the police account of events.
Collateral damage in the war on terror. You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. I can see the broken eggs here, all right--but where's the omelette?
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