Pics to follow, I promise.
UPDATE: (December 10) After a few hours of labour my stepdaughter has just given birth to beautiful Dilara Marianne and Selin Amaru, each two kilograms. If the City of Ottawa will only plough my street, I'll be heading over there shortly. Pics later today.
Best birthday present I can imagine! Thank you, everyone, for all of your good wishes.
UPDATE: (later that same day)
At last! Made it through traffic and snow, picked up son-in-law Emre's sister, got to the hospital.
Aurora is amazing. This morning, just after giving birth, she sounded wide awake and alert, as though she'd been out for a jog or something. Emre, on the other hand...let's just say that women do this sort of thing better!
The babies will be in the incubator for a day or two, but they're doing well. The nursery permits only two visitors at a time per baby, including one parent, so said the sign: I pointed out that there were twins in this case, so my stepson and I should be able to go in together, but one of the nurses said, "Two peas, one pod."
When I did get in, I saw Dilara first, and asked, in a completely dazed way, where the other one was. Another nurse laughed and said, "We had to separate them. They were fighting."
Here they are, and now I'm going to have a celebratory drink or three.
Scrumptious Dilara Marianne:
Gorgeous Selin Amaru, winking at me:
The tired but blissful parents:

Best birthday evah!
Thank you all again for your many good wishes, which I've passed on. I wish you could see the foolish smile on my face.
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