Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Code Blue!

Help resuscitate Canadian democracy on Saturday. Join the cross-country rally closest to you.

A few wise tips from a No-Proguer:

* Stay peaceful. There is no reason not to be peaceful. As a matter of fact any violence will destroy the legitimate message.

* Keep the message simple and factual. We are against the Prime Minister abusing their powers to avoid legitimate questioning. We want our MP’s to actually be doing their job.

* Don’t BS the public. We know what is wrong. Don’t push the message too far. Stick to the simple points.

* Have fun. Your simple presence proves the point. Enjoy it, and you will get your point across.

And if I might add something: watch the contents of your signs, folks. And spell your messages correctly!

For those of you in the National Capital Region, see you on the Hill. And let's have a beer or three at D'arcy's afterwards.