Tuesday, October 05, 2010

An Uncharacteristic Moment of Conservative Honesty

Conservative MP Maxime Bernier, who raised eyebrows this summer by claiming he received 1,000 complaints a day over the mandatory long-form census in 2006, says the government's decision to make it voluntary is about "principle," not the number of complaints.

Bernier, who resigned from Prime Minister Stephen Harper's cabinet in 2008 after he admitted to having left NATO briefing documents at his ex-girlfriend's home, said his estimate was made in "good faith" based on what he was hearing from his staff and constituents as an MP. But he also insisted it shouldn't matter because the decision to make the survey voluntary is a "principle position."

Let's repeat that.

The government's decision to make it voluntary is about "principle," not the number of complaints.

May I paraphrase?

It doesn't matter that I lied.

It doesn't matter than my party won't disavow my lies.

It doesn't matter what Canadians actually said.

What matters is that we are going to ram through a bad and unpopular decision that lines up nicely with My Party's Ideology, justified by my lies.

And you fucking idiots will sleep right through it.

Goodnight, Canada.

crossposted from Stageleft