But this is going too far. Received last week:
From: Tax refund Canada Revenue Agency
To: (my name)
Re: Tax refund request submitted.
You will receive a confirmation to your email once your request was process.
This automatic e-mail is to inform you that the following transaction made on Refund Amount: $386.00
The refunding procedure usually takes 5-15 business days, depending on the processing banks as well.
To Get Started, Please Click Here http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/
Yours truly,
LALIB - Gestao e Investimentos, Lda.
Rua Brigadeiro Oudinot
Edificio Oudinot, 3rd Floor - Room 317
P-9060-209 Funchal
Madeira, Portugal
Now the bastards have outsourced tax refunds! AND to some firm in Portugal!! Who can barely speak English!!! I have nothing against the Portuguese, but is this not something a Canadian firm could have taken over? Or at least a British one?
It's a national disgrace. I tell you, if this isn't enough to topple the Harperites, I just don't know what will.