On June 26th Toronto Mayor David Miller exhorted Torontonians to put the previous day's G20 violence behind them and get out into the streets to enjoy their city. Theatre director Tommy Taylor took Miller's words to heart.
This is his story of his day. Arrested with his girlfriend for singing "Give Peace a Chance", held for more than 24 hours in handcuffs in a 10 by 12 by 20 foot cage along with 40 other men, wet and freezing cold, standing room only, no phone call, having to beg for a few sips of water, eventually passing out on the filthy floor.
One of the most compelling accounts on any subject I've read in some time, not least of all for his sympathy for the police forced into this position.
This is what real journalism looks like :
How I Got Arrested and Abused at the G20 in Toronto
by Tommy Taylor
via Boris and Back of the Book.
Sign the Canadian Civil Liberties Association Petiton for
~An independent inquiry into the actions of the police during the G20
~Amendment of the Public Works Protection Act to meet basic constitutional standards
~Reform to ensure that the Criminal Code provisions relating to “breach of the peace”, “unlawful assemblies” and “riots” are brought in line with constitutional standards