Friday, June 18, 2010

Robert Dziekanski: the RCMP's non-apology

Just to whet everyone's appetites before the main event later this afternoon (the release of the Braidwood Report), here is the RCMP's wretched Gary Bass on the apology offered a few weeks ago to Zofia Cisowski:

"Even though the word 'apology' worries some, we are not apologizing for the actions of specific members or saying anything about specific actions," Bass wrote in a March 31 e-mail to RCMP staff relations representative Brian Roach.

"I am apologizing for the loss of her son and where the (RCMP commissioner) says we could have done better, from my perspective, that relates to the fact we had to revise our policy and training."

We are immediately reminded of earlier internal clarifications. Same "horribly broken" organization, same hypocrisy, same sleaze. Nothing has changed. Maintiens le droit.