is diseased.
Having your infant child raped and murdered, being falsely charged with the murder, and having your other child taken away from you for two and a half years, doesn't amount to "mental or nervous shock," decreed the pencil-necks. And the same applies to the seized child. Suck it up. Not our problem. No compensation for you.
Read the story, feel the rage, and write to Premier Dalton McGuinty, Attorney-General Chris Bentley, and (for Ontario residents) your MPP.
Not only should this horrendous decision be reversed--the people who made it should be fired forthwith. Let the Board know how you feel.
1 comment:
The claims investigator stated solicitors want an easy life and that he had been employed to "take on the lawyers". He further stated that traditions are being spoilt by the threat of litigation, and events such as a sports day can no longer be enjoyed because of the ‘national psyche’ of the compensation culture. He suggested the public are no longer taking responsibility for their own actions, but see an injury as a way of getting money for nothing - driven by greed.
It is worth noting that in the cases illustrated the young boy was successful in receiving compensation, as was the man who had been cut by the razor and the lady who had been struck by a branch from the tree. But what the programme failed to illustrate in detail, is the fact that for there to be a claim there has to be negligence, and the negligence has to have caused the injury, preferring to use phrases such as "where's there blame there's a claim".
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