Monday, August 24, 2009

That'll Do.

Jason Kenney's Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration enforced a deportation order, quite possibly in a frenzy to prove to critics excoriating Harper's government for a number of incidents where brown-skinned citizens were stranded outside Canada that Conservative ministers are NOT acting on the basis of systemic and implicit racist policies and/or incompetence.

Hours before her legally blind, 69-year-old mother was deported to Poland last night, Aldona Pindiur was in tears, begging for help. "She's old, she can't see ... Who will look after her in Poland? All the family is here," Pindiur said in halting English. "Can you help her stay with me? Please help."

But there was no help, no last-minute reprieve: Stefania Magdziak was put on a plane to her native Poland last night, days after she lost her appeal to stay in Canada on humanitarian grounds after a failed refugee claim.

Pindiur and her brother, Miroslaw Magdziak, came to Canada almost 15 years ago. They applied to stay as landed immigrants and were accepted. Their mother came for a visit in 1998 and never went back.

An unscrupulous immigration consultant advised the family to file a claim for refugee status so that she could stay, Miroslaw said. The application was rejected and a few weeks ago, her plea to stay in Canada with her family was also denied.


Will Harper say to Kenney: "That'll do, Pig"?

Peter Van Loan got in on the action too.

In an e-mailed statement, Public Safety Minister Peter Van Loan, who is responsible for the Canada Border Services Agency and had the power to halt the deportation, said he could not comment on specific cases, but added the CBSA enforces the law and court decisions.

"The removal of inadmissible individuals is key to maintaining the integrity of the immigration program and to ensuring fairness for those who live in this country lawfully."

Yet another nail in the coffin of Conservative "Family Values". That will do indeed.

Red Tory first blogged about this.