Sunday, January 25, 2009

Being Gazan

Tens of thousands are homeless. More than 1,300 are dead, half of whom are civilians, including a large number of children. Another 5,000 have been wounded. Many have been burned to the bone with white phosphorus, or hunted down with a collection of spiffy new ordnance, and the lives of Gazan children are presently threatened by unexploded bombs in their backyards.

And the slaughter continues during the current "ceasefire."

Gaza is in shambles. But an appeal for humanitarian relief by a coalition of national charities has been banned by the BBC because it would compromise the Beeb's "impartiality."

The facts, it seems, have a pro-Gazan bias.

[H/t CC, Chrystal Ocean]

UPDATE: Beeb execs ignore the First Rule of Holes.

[H/t Chrystal, in the comments]

UPPERDATE: (January 26): The BBC editor-in-chief
, still digging, responds. The ensuing comments tell their own story.

[H/t Blind Man with a Pistol]

UPPESTDATE: Sharp-eyed commenter "forgot to buy tinfoil" discovers more about the BBC editor-in-chief's commitment to "impartiality." (Scroll to comment #998 at the BBC link.* The original 2005 story in the Independent is here.)

*No, don't. The comment, which merely referenced the Independent article, has been removed because "it broke the House Rules." Good grief.