And, should you need to top off your daily dose of fear and paranoia, go watch this interview with Naomi Wolf.This editorial board traditionally has argued that, in the post-9/11 age, law-enforcement and security services should enjoy broad powers to investigate and apprehend terrorists. But even we are appalled by a British proposal, revealed over the weekend, to monitor the telephone, cellphone, text message, e-mail and Web surfing activity of every citizen in the U. K. in the name of homeland security.
The damage such a scheme would do to the personal privacy and liberty of law-abiding Britons far outweighs the benefits that might -- theoretically -- accrue to those charged with safeguarding the country. What the British internal spy agency, MI5, and others are proposing is nothing short of a surveillance society, in which nearly all electronic activity by every person is monitored 24/7/365. All the communications activity of every citizen would be recorded in giant government computers ...