Hang ‘em. Publically. Let ‘em twist in the wind and be eaten by ravens. Then maybe the bunch of socialist patsies will think twice. --Another one
A new benchmark has now been set by the American far Right--attacking a brain-damaged 12-year-old child and stalking his family. The usual suspects--Mark Steyn (who said the kid was "fair game"), stalker Michelle Malkin, Rush Limbaugh, Free Republic (which published the family's home and work addresses) and other extremists--are positively slobbering venom about the Frosts, who dared stand up for a bipartisan effort in Congress to expand public medicare benefits for children, after the measure was vetoed by George W. Bush.
Don't take my word for it. Check out the comments of these vicious political psychopaths for yourselves, and I'm sorry to have to link to them. It's all been too much for at least one conservative blogger, who's leaving the Republican Party because of it. Read this blogpost to get the facts. And this one. And then be thankful that you live in Canada, where these wingnuts are a small, drooling minority--for now.
H/t Canadian Cynic
UPDATE: (October 11) TIME Magazine weighs in on the side of political morality. CNN gets it wrong. And Digby predicts blowback.
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