Monday, September 14, 2009

Teabaggers: a gallery of hate

Not the kind of tea party children have. More reminiscent of Jerry Springer:

As one commenter observed: "If you show me your lobotomy scar."

A birther with a cross to bear.

Torture's a hoot.

Racism? What racism?

By the way, where are the African Americans on this piece of astroturf? Just wondering.

Angemessen und ausgeglichen. If we're just as good as our information, these people are no good at all.

The President as Anti-Christ.

Death threats, all part of conservative civil discourse.


Another death threat.

Right. If you say so.

Madness. Racism. Mass hysteria. Don't the wingnuts realize we're doing them a favour by minimizing the numbers?

[H/t Hal]